After arriving in Indianapolis at 7:45pm last night, Aileen and her parents picked me up from the airport and we headed back to Cincinnati. On the way we stopped at a Casino and had a buffet dinner. It was around 11:30 by the time we got home. I fell into bed and passed out until around 9:30 this morning.
After I rose this morning we headed downtown and attended mass. It was so weird to hear it read with an American accent. We then walked across the pedestrian bridge to Newport, Kentucky.
We had lunch in an awesome pizza restaurant named Dewey's. The pizza's here are about the size of a truck tire and are absolutely loaded with topping!!.
After we gorged ourselves we went and watched the New bond film (It is amazing, all should go and see) before walking back to Cincinnati Ohio.
Tonight Aileen and I went to Visit one of her Friends, Susan Arbogast, whom I am pleased to report is a lovely young woman. She will be featured in this blog in the very near future I am sure.
So it is now 3:45am and I cannot sleep. I woke up and my stomach was rumbling. I then realised that it is because it thinks that it is dinner time. It was so weird eating pizza today at what my stomach still felt was 6am! HA! So anyway, its 3:45 and i've just polished off a Burrito and two cupcakes. I think i might go back to bed now cos i'm getting sleepy again.
I was trying to get my Mums attention so that we could skype (your not home obviously mum......when you aren't home, i'll have to teach you how to set your skype to "away" or "not online" to avoid confusion and getting ones hopes up ;-) ) but seeings how I cannot i guess i'll just have to wait until tomorrow to talk to her.
Bye for now