So today we went to a place called Jungle Jims. If you picture the biggest IKEA that you have been to and then add some, you have an idea of the size of Jungle Jims. The crazy thing is that it is a supermarket!! They have a section for most countries in the world. So Aileen and I thought it would be amusing to investigate the Australian section. The photos above are what we found.
They have all of the essentials that Aussies use on a daily basis. It kind of put me at ease knowing that some home food isnt too far away. Not exactly the sausages, mashed potatoes and beans that I'm craving though Mum ;-)
Tim Tams! Did they have marshmallows? I've been craving those. And the dinosaur gummies. yay confectionery!
Hello Miss Tina not Arena!! They didnt have the marshies, but they had the gummies fo sho!!
Your the best blog commenter in the world!! Its people like you that make blogging worthwhile!!!
Did you Find Bubbles and Squeak?!
No,unfortunately they didnt mate.
I am craving them hardcore though.
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